Using jqGrid with JsonResult in ASP.NET MVC 3

I have been working on an ASP.NET MVC 3 project with a C# backend, and I wanted to get a grid going that had grouping capabilities. I came across jqGrid and decided to give it a try. I discovered a blog post which got me close, but it still took a bit of doing. It turned out to be a pain, but I managed to get basic data display working (I'll try to update this post when I get grouping working). I decided to post the code because it wasn't straightforward, and all of the other blog & forum posts on the topic didn't quite have a complete solution. The code has a bit more detail than is necessary for this post, but I hope it is useful.

Here is my HTML...
My javascript looks like this...

There are a couple things to note.
  • Line 3: The url attribute. It took a bit of trial & error to figure out this url format for my controller method. "Asset" is the controller (my actual controller name is "AssetController"), and "GetGridContents" is the method name.
  • Line 4: "mtype: 'POST'".
  • Lines 6 - 13: The jsonReader attribute. Before adding this my webservice would return valid Json (checked using JsonLint), but the grid would remain empty with no error.
  • Lines 25 & 27: the formatter & formatoptions attributes were required to convert the date format output by the JsonResult serialization. I found that information here.

Those were the three things that weren't obvious from the jqGrid examples.
LoadGrid = function () {
        url: 'Asset/GetGridContents/',
        mtype: 'POST',
        datatype: "json",
        jsonReader: {
            root: "rows", //array containing actual data
            page: "page", //current page
            total: "total", //total pages for the query
            records: "records", //total number of records
            repeatitems: false,
            id: "ID" //index of the column with the PK in it
        colNames: ['ID', 'Name', 'Description', 'Model', 'Make', 'Serial Number', 'Warehouse', 'Asset Type', 'Create User', 'Create Date', 'Update User', 'Update Date'],
        colModel: [
         { name: 'ID', index: 'ID', width: 35, sorttype: "int" },
            { name: 'Name', index: 'Name', width: 100 },
            { name: 'Description', index: 'Description', width: 100 },
            { name: 'ModelName', index: 'ModelName', width: 55 },
            { name: 'MakeName', index: 'MakeName', width: 55 },
            { name: 'SerialNumber', index: 'SerialNumber', width: 55 },
            { name: 'WarehouseName', index: 'WarehouseName', width: 60 },
            { name: 'AssetTypeID', index: 'AssetTypeID', width: 55 },
            { name: 'CreateUser', index: 'CreateUser', width: 100 },
            { name: 'CreateDate', index: 'CreateDate', width: 100, sorttype: "date", formatter: "date", formatoptions: { newformat: "m/d/Y"} },
            { name: 'UpdateUser', index: 'UpdateUser', width: 100 },
            { name: 'UpdateDate', index: 'UpdateDate', width: 100, sorttype: "date", formatter: "date", formatoptions: { newformat: "m/d/Y"} }
        rowNum: 10,
        rowList: [10, 20, 30],
        pager: '#AssetTablePager',
        sortname: 'Name',
        viewrecords: true,
        sortorder: "desc",
        caption: "Assets"
    jQuery("#AssetTable").jqGrid('navGrid', '#AssetTablePager', { edit: true, add: true, del: true });

$(document).ready(function () {
Here is the webservice code...

A few things to note here as well.
  • Line 3: Obviously "Assets" is one of my models. I'm creating a viewmodel to send to the grid.
  • Line 4: It yelled at me if I didn't have an orderby in my linq.
  • Line 24: The .SortBy method I use on the assets collection uses an extension by David Fowl. I found it here.
  • Line 25: I'm using the PagedList library written by Troy Goode (available via NuGet).
  • Lines 27 - 35: I'm building the object to return & returning it as JsonResult takes care of the serialization.
public JsonResult GetGridContents(int? page, int? rows, string sidx, string sord)
    var assets = from a in db.Assets
                    orderby a.AssetType.Name
                    select new
                        ID = a.ID,
                        Name = a.AssetType.Name,
                        Description = a.Description,
                        ModelID = a.ModelID,
                        ModelName = a.Model.Name,
                        MakeID = a.Model.MakeID,
                        MakeName = a.Model.Make.Name,
                        SerialNumber = a.SerialNumber,
                        WarehouseID = a.WarehouseID,
                        WarehouseName = a.Warehouse.Name,
                        AssetTypeID = a.AssetTypeID,
                        CreateUser = a.CreateUser,
                        CreateDate = a.CreateDate,
                        UpdateUser = a.UpdateUser,
                        UpdateDate = a.UpdateDate

    var sortedAssets = assets.SortBy(sidx, sord.Contains("DESC"));
    var pagedAssets = sortedAssets.ToPagedList(page ?? 1, rows ?? 20);

    var results = new
        total = pagedAssets.PageCount, //number of pages
        page = pagedAssets.PageNumber, //current page
        records = assets.Count(), //total items
        rows = pagedAssets

    return Json(results);


  1. I've been having issues completely understanding the concepts needed for the implementation of the data transfer. I come from studying strictly HTML and CSS, moving now into js and c#. My current need is to populate a grid list from a SQL Server db dynamically. I've seen plenty of examples and documentation, but not a good explanation of why and how it does what it does. Any suggestions for my research?

    1. Hi, here is complete working code of jqgrid with you can download from here :


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