ClearSCADA Point Values Won't Update
Today, I had issue with ClearSCADA points not updating to the current value. The logs showed the correct value being returned from the PLC, but ViewX & WebX didn’t update. However, if I took the point in & out of service or changed the configuration, the value would update. Turns out the Significant Change (deadband) property was biting me. I had set my full scale very high (1000000000) & significant change defaults to 1% of span. So, the changes of 5 or 10 were not large enough to overcome the deadband. So, I set the significant change to "none". The problem persisted. After talking with support, I realized "none" didn't really mean none. The Significant Change feature was still in effect. To fix the issue, I had to set to absolute & set value to a very small number (.0000001).
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